Writing reviews, of movies and more . . . .

Dear Mirror staff.

Here is your assignment. In small groups, gather around a computer, read most of these various sources, in both movie and other sections. Each person should take some quick notes. Then, discuss what you’ve learned as a group. After that, compose a comment from your group that summarizes what you’ve learned and post it to this page.  Once other groups have posted their comments, read those and write a response to one group.

I look forward to reading your comments. I hope you enjoy this digital lesson.


 Movie Reviews:

This short article by Mark Nichol lays things out clearly.

I like this video, too.

The Film Doctor gives good advice also.

About.com’s advice.

Great site for movie reviews: Rotten Tomatoes

Book, restaurant, and other reviews:

What if you’re not writing about a movie, but a play. Here are good guidelines from LEO.

Writing restaurant reviews.

Writing book reviews from Indiana University.


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