Ms Hogue's Editing Marks & Explanations
AWK | Awkward phrasing or syntax which makes the sentence unclear. |
CE | Cause/Effect error. |
CL | State your claim. |
CS | Comma splice (you have joined two independent clauses with only a comma). |
ES | Empty sentence. This sentence really doesn't say anything important or add to the argument in any meaningful way. |
EX | Explain what you mean. Maybe you need to show why or how. |
FC | False claim. You've made a fact error. |
IQ | Introduce quotation/citation. You must give context before using the source material. |
LP | Use the literary present tense. |
MFM | This sentence reads like I've got a mouth full of marbles; it's a lot of words and it just sounds "bad." |
NG | Not grammatically correct. |
NS | Not a sentence. |
ORG | Organization is not good. |
P | Punctuation error. |
RD | Redundant; you've said this before. |
RO | Run on sentence. |
SP | Spelling (or the word is simply circled). |
S | Support is missing, lacking, needed. |
TRANS | You need a transition (sentence, phrase or word) to connect ideas here. |
TS | You need a topic sentence. |
VS | Value of sentence is questioned. How does this sentence support the main point? |
WC | Word choice is questioned. Either this word is wrong in this context or is not effective. |
WS | Well stated. |
WQ | Weave quotations in to make a smooth read and a grammatically correct sentence. |
// | Parallel construction error. |
↔ | Unclear logical leap or connection is missing. |
J | Great point, good insight, or I just like this! |
! | Great point, good insight, or I just like this! |
? | I don't understand what you're trying to say. |
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