Response Journals

The purpose of your journal is to give you a personal way to respond to literature and a place to write what you think about ideas and issues. The second section may be used on unit tests.This journal will be handed in twice per quarter. It is worth 100 points each time. See grading rubric.

Your response journal will have two sections (more fully defined later):

  1. Quotation responses
  2. Responses to literature
  3. Personal section that should include each of the following:
    1. Your ideas for your seminar presentation
    2. Your personal reflection for any major group projects

Setting up and keeping your journal:

Quotation response section:

Respond to every quotation given in class. Use the following format for developing your response.


Responding to literature section:

Instead of worksheets or study guides or sets of questions for the essays, stories, poems, novels, and plays etc. that we read, you will be writing your own responses in this section. You are expected to write a response for everything we read. Longer works require more entries.

You will be given a list of ways to respond to literature on a separate sheet. It would be good to "paste" that into your journal for easy reference.

One nice thing about this section is that you will be able to use it on unit tests.

Minimum entries for literature:

As always, doing more than the minimum shows your scholarship and seriousness of purpose.