More than an obituary: Remembering a life
Scholastic Journalism/2003


This is a partner assignment. First, choose two obituaries from those provided and read them. Notice how each is more than a list of survivors and time and place of funeral as obituaries have traditionally been. These obituaries give us a sense of who the person was and why his or her life was special.


Next, fill out the details sheets for each of you. You have to pretend you have lived a full life (say you died when you were 85, or whatever age you choose). Interview each other to get the details.


Finally, break apart and using one of the professional obituaries as your guide, write one now for your “deceased” partner, telling about his or her life. You will need to invent the remarks made about your partner by his or her family.


This assignment is due _____________________________________________________


It is to be typed and double spaced. Use good journalism style.




Details of a life (remember, you need 100% accuracy here):


Full name ____________________________________________________________

Identification _________________________________________________________

Age ____________        Date of death _______________________________________

Cause of death ________________________________________________________

Survivors ____________________________________________________________


Place of funeral _______________________________________________________

Date of funeral ______________________Time of funeral _____________________

Memorials? ___________________________________________________________

Special remembrances? _________________________________________________


Biographical Details:

Place of birth  _____________________________  Year ______________________

Education history ______________________________________________________


Work history __________________________________________________________



Community Involvement ________________________________________________



Special interests ________________________________________________________




Interviews with family (ask your partner for the names of four family members you will interview: husband/wife, children, brothers/sisters). Using the model story as your guide, come up with a quote from each that you can weave into the obituary. Be sure you follow the model for how to use the quote. It is the same as any news story.


Relative #1 name and relationship: _________________________________________

Quotation: _____________________________________________________________________


Relative #2 name and relationship: _________________________________________

Quotation: _____________________________________________________________________


Relative #3 name and relationship: _________________________________________

Quotation: _____________________________________________________________________


Relative #4 name and relationship: _________________________________________

Quotation: _____________________________________________________________________



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