Category: Reading

Why is it important to read great literature?

Currently my AP students are wrestling with the question: why is it important to read great literature? I asked them to come up with ideas on their own and then do an internet search to find what others are saying.…

Revisiting a childhood favorite

I’ve been running out of my own books to read, but my last foray through the shelves brought me face to face with Lois Lenski’s Strawberry Girl, a book I had bought for my daughter because it was one of…

Another reason to read

Last fall, one of my students, a junior, pretty much felt that he did not need school, especially English. Reading was a waste of his time since he was already an accomplished musician. His milieu was notes, not words. Even…

More on summer reading

Shmoop has announced its first ever summer reading list. I have read nine of these books, and there are a few titles here that I’ve wanted to read. Maybe there is also a book here for you!

Summer Book List

School may be almost over for awhile, but for me, my best reading days are ahead. I already have six books in my queue, and I hope I can get to them all before I need to read my assigned…