New in 2004-2005
- New CyberEnglish9 teacher: I am pleased to
Ms. Laurie Haag to Sheboygan Falls High School. She comes to us with a
great enthusiasm for the CyberEnglish idea.
- A238 is now a dedicated computer lab for
CyberEnglish. The switch from laptops to desktops was made for several
reasons. For one, the laptops were becoming increasingly expensive to maintain
for CyberEnglish: hardware maintenance, wireless connectivity, and technician
time were all straining the technology budget. Secondly, the need for more
flexible computer use was pressing. As CyberEnglish students leave 9th grade,
they become part of the technically literate student population and they want
computers to continue learning in the integrated way they have become attuned
to. Freeing up the laptops helps. Also, because of curriculum changes, another
classroom is now a new computer lab. Sheboygan Falls High School students will
have greater access to computers than ever before. Our new lab/classroom
provides us with some advantages, but also presents us with some challenges.
The room is not "re-arrangeable." We cannot as easily facilitate face to face
discussions, for example.
- This year, CE9 students will not necessarily
remain with their first semester teacher all year. The semester switch will be
a new situation for us. The good thing is that Ms. Haag and I will have a
better chance to get to know more of our 9th graders. As a result of this
schedule change, links to all CE9 students' sites are on one page now instead of
separated by teacher. This will mean a little more browsing to find a
student's web site. We urge parents to add the url to their student's web site
to their favorites.