What is a lit circle?
Like a small book club, you and two to three others (no more) read the same
book. You would meet several times to discuss the book, having each person
take a turn record the content of your discussion. You could keep a meeting
log. This log is not required, but it may help you with your project.
It could be difficult to remember everything you talked about without some
record. You should meet about four times, somewhere you can talk freely.
You will still meet the same deadline for a novel project,
but you have more options to choose from for your project:
- Use Wikiwog
to create a project. See Ms. Hogue early if you are interested in this option.
The project should include the following:
- Summarize the main points of each of your discussions
- Have each person comment on his/her own favorite
part of the book, or favorite character, or some other "favorite."
- Make links to relevant sites or information relating
to the novel.
- Write collaborative book review that includes
a short summary of the novel and a recommendation for a particular audience
(like teenage girls, for example).
- Add images to make your Wiki project look good.
- Link to your Wiki project in your webfolio.
- Create a web project (follow
directions given on that page). You do not have to create the list of favorite
books. See note below on Blog project. Create the project in one partner's
site. Each person makes a link in his/her webfolio.
- Create an objective test for the novel that includes
at least 30 multiple choice questions (four answers each). These questions
should help readers of this book understand plot, setting, character, point
of view, conflict, theme, symbolism, etc. Publish this test on one partner's
web site (put a disclaimer at the bottom of the page that states that this
test is a student project). Give an answer key. Each partner needs to make
a link to the project on their webfolio.
- Create a regular log booklet with seven regular logs.
As your closing log, you must choose literary analysis and positive
review. The closing log must be a collaborative effort. This log booklet
must be typed (follow directions for log booklets).
- A Blog option is not offered at this time, as safety
and legal records issues are not resolved.
Recommended books:
For 3rd quarter, choose a novel.
For 4th, you may choose nonfiction, but project choices will vary.
Going into Accelerated English
or AP English? Challenge yourselves
and try
one of these books.
a book
Find your own, but each person needs a
copy of the book and each person must agree on the choice.