Dear Parents, Your son or daughter will be participating in a living histories project for English and social studies. The project begins ____________ and ends ______________. With a partner, he/she will be conducting research into a particular time in history and learning the local particulars of that time through an interview with a person who experienced that time. The final project is a web site that the two will create together. The project meets many of our _____ state standards and helps students continue to develop their language arts and technology skills. But beyond that, we believe this experience will teach our students a respect for the past, for others, and for themselves. To be successful, they will need to approach the project with maturity and seriousness that will reflect positively on their families, their school and their peers. This is a good opportunity for our students to interact with the broader community in a positive way. As teachers, we support the idea that our students need to be responsible for their own work; however, your child will also need your help. As the personal interview is a critical component of the project, we are asking for your help in transporting your son or daughter (along with his/her study partner) to the interview. You may also be of great help in suggesting people (relatives, friends, and neighbors) who would be willing to be interviewed. In addition, any help you can give in providing time and resources (tape recorder and camera) will help your child be successful. To see the details of the project plans and the finished
students’ projects, go to We are excited about this project and hope you will see its many benefits and encourage your child to do his/her best work. Thank you for your help. Please contact us with any questions you have or if you can help with names of people who would be interested in being interviewed for this project. Sincerely, English and Social Studies teachers |