Romeo & Juliet
Web Project/Rubric



Above Expectations—I’m in awe of you. You attended to every detail with precision.


Good, at expectations—some minor problems distract; your work is less precise than it could be.


Good attempt, not quite meeting expectations—several deviations exist. Attention to detail is limited.


Not really—you misunderstood the expectations, or too many mistakes or omissions exist.


You didn’t do this at all, or your attempt is so poor, so limited that no points are given.

Your web quest is complete and correct.






Your letter follows directions and expresses the voice of your character.






Third activity:
You have followed directions carefully and your work is complete and detailed.






The design choices you made for this web project make it easy to read. You have set up the pages according to directions and all your links work.






You have proofread carefully and the entire project is well organized, well detailed, and is free from conventions errors.          


