Myth: a place where
teachers hang out to gossip about students Truth: (at least my truth) a place where teachers go
probably only once a day, if they're smart, to connect with their co-workers
and to eat lunch in record time (there is NO lounging!)
Qualities of an ideal teachers'
lounge to promote professional growth:
limitless resources
Social networking gives each of
us access to all of the above!
What does Social Networking Mean?
Any use of the www to connect
with a group of like minded people to share knowledge and experiences
can be considered social networking.
Not just facebook or MySpace
(there are thousands of sites for any number of purposes; just Google
"Social Networking" and you'll find them).
Video on simple social networking
from Common Craft:
"See who your friends know and who your friends'
friends know."
blogs (when used for conversation
through comments, for sharing links, for uploading and sharing pictures,
files, videos, etc.)
wikis can link a common group
for a common purpose (see
more on Wikis)
nings, actual SN tools (similar
to facebook, MySpace)
Why is Social Networking important to teachers?
Teaching is an isolated profession.
Most teachers work alone in their classrooms and connect with their
colleagues only at lunch, at meetings, or at inservice sessions.
There is a need
for teachers to get together to
Express common needs and problems
Discuss pedagogy:
Why am I teaching what I'm
What's the best way to teach
today's students?
How can I get better at what
I love?
Gain a diverse point of view
Teachers who become entrenched
in their own professional community may be hindered by a lack
of diversity.
Where are the new ideas coming
from in your school?
Value of reading and commenting
on blogs
Blogging teachers have much to
share with the broader teaching community. I can learn from their
Bloggers list links of blogs
they read which lead me to more diverse voices
Teacher bloggers are models for
what I might do
Value of being a member
of a ning community
I can connect with and learn
from others who share my interests and needs
I have access to the resources
others share
I can upload files, videos, make
links, write a blog
My view becomes more diverse,
more global
Social Networking
Means Teachers Teaching Teachers!
Value for students?
What do you think? How can what you've heard
and thought about today be of value to your students? How might students
benefit from blogging?
On your yellow exit slip, please jot down
some ideas, share them with those around you, and if time allows, share
with all of us. Then, and on your way out, drop them in the box. I'll
post some of your thoughts in the Ning.