Setting Up Your Web Site
How to start and
maintain your web site for CyberEnglish9
| About my site | What's required to be in my site | How to set up my CyberJournal | What is my Webfolio? | What I can't have in my site | Formatting pages for essays | Rules for student email | New: Rubric for first web page assessment
Your web site is
Your web site shows all of the above in three general ways:
Your web site must include (at the minimum):
Each page must link back to the index page. More about my index page: Your index page is the front door to your web site. It must always be named index.htm (NEVER change it and NEVER move it into a folder). Design it to reflect your personality but also make it readable and easy to use for your visitors. Be sure any images do not detract from your design but instead enhance it. Look at what students have done in the past on their index pages to get ideas for yours. Your last name must never be on your index page or on any page in your web site.
What is my webfolio? Each student will construct a webfolio page that serves as a directory for his/her academic work.
About my CyberJournal: Your CyberJournal is an important part of your CyberEnglish9 experience. Click here for more on setting up your CyberJournal.
What I can't have in my web site: Even though this web site is yours, it is still a school assignment and there are restrictions on what can go on your site. Please be sure you understand these restrictions to avoid problems in the future. Students should be aware that some restrictions are the result of poor judgment by their peers who pushed the limits of propriety. Do not put any of the following on your web site:
Note to students: While some of these restrictions may seem excessive to you, you need to know that some of them were the result of students' actions. Your peers, because they could not make good decisions, caused the tighter restrictions. Other restrictions are there for your safety. |
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© 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,
2005 Dawn Hogue |