Prologue & Epilogue

Student Multigenre Web Projects:
Exploring Local History



What is a prologue?

A prologue is an introduction to your work.  It is meant to greet readers and give a bit of background information about your project.  You'll need to introduce the subject and anything you think the reader should know about you and/or your project before they read it. It will help orient your readers quickly and supply information that will help build meaning the further they read.

What kind of information might I include in the preface?

  • how you came up with your idea
  • why your topic is important
  • a key part of the story
  • a description of a crucial setting or central activity
  • a theme that will be carried through your genres
  • an overview of the territory to come; what can your reader expect to see in your project


An epilogue is similar to a conclusion.   In your epilogue you should reflect on your topic.  This is a chance to share your thoughts and feelings with your audience. 

Some aspects you might include:

  • how writing about this topic has changed your perspective on your topic
  • what you learned overall
  • how working with a partner and how collaboration affects the researching/writing process
  • how you felt about using the multigenre medium to write rather than just writing a traditional story/essay
  • what you hope your audience learns from your multigenre web
  • what you feel you accomplished from this project overall
  • any information that would help clarify anything you wrote
  • why you chose the genres you did for your project
  • a thank-you to your interviewee

| Home | About the Project | Students' Projects | Our Communities | Unit Plans | Genre List |

| Topics | The Interview | The Transcript | Historical Overview | Project Documents | References & Links |

© 2004 Pat Schulze and Dawn Hogue